The mystery of recycling unveiled!

When we say we “recycle”, we don’t mean that we throw stuff in blue bins and walk away. We are much more thorough recyclers. And we see to it that every bit that can be recycled from every haul is recycled. We’re adamant about it, actually.
Before we head to the landfill, we make these stops:
We take your used computers, printers, scanners, and more to different depots in Vancouver depending on the type of material. For electronic recycling know-how, check the Encorp site here
We also recycle empty HP laser toner cartridges with Digitech. You can give them a call here: 604-322-5433
Garden Waste
We never dump green loads in the landfill; instead we take them to appropriate places to be turned into compost.
For the City of Vancouver’s garden waste guidelines click here.
To find a Wastech garden waste transfer station near you, click here.
Concrete, tile, rock
Concrete, tile, and rock can all be recycled and reused for clean fill in new development projects. For local drop-off locations, visit Eco Waste. Note that this is a cash only facility.
We drop off drywall at New West Gypsum, the unrivalled provider of recycled gypsum in the world.
All sorts of plastics are recycle – way beyond the limitations of city blue bins. We send all plastics to our friends at Urban Waste. Check them out here.
We haul scrap metal to Pacific Metals and North Star Recycling.
Blue Box Recycling
For everything that can be dumped in a blue box, we connect with our friends at Return It and Recycling Alternatives to make sure that it ends up in the right place (and not in the landfill).